DASHAMOOLA HAREETHAKI LEHYAM by NAGARJUNA is a very effective ayurvedic formulation that is prepared from very effective mixture of herbs. The main ingredients of this formulation are hareethaki and dashamoola’s decoction. It is in a form of herbal jam or paste.?
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DASHAMOOLA HAREETHAKI LEHYAM by NAGARJUNA is a very effective ayurvedic formulation that is prepared from very effective mixture of herbs. The main ingredients of this formulation are hareethaki and dashamoola’s decoction. It is in a form of herbal jam or paste.?
INDICATIONS:? ?Chronic inflammatory conditions, fever, emaciation, rheumatoid arthritis, bleeding diseases, urinary infection, gulma, anemia, ailments of liver.
DOSAGE:? 1 teaspoonful twice daily or as directed by the physician.
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