AGASTHYAHARITAKI LEHYA by KUMAR is an ayurvedic classical medicine. It is an age old medicine that has been very effective in treating respiratory diseases. Regular use effectively relieves chronic respiratory ailments.
ALERT by?VASU is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. Alert is a safe product for relieving day-to-day stress. It helps to restore the peace and calmness of mind. It decreases restlessness and anxiety. It improves the quality of sleep and keeps you active and peaceful.
AMAVATARI RAS by BAIDYANATH AYURVEDA BHAWAN is an ayurvedic herbomineral medicine. As the name says, Amavatari is the right choice of drug to treat Amavata or Rheumatoid arthritis. The formulation effectively increases digestion and removes Ama and relieves symptoms of RA.
AMLANT by MAHARISHI AYURVEDA is an ayurvedic proprierary medicine from Maharishi Ayurveda Co. Amlant is an antacid which neutralized excessive gastric secretion and relieves from the symptoms of hyperacidity.