KUTAJARISHTA by DHOOTAPAPESHWAR is a classical ayurvedic preparation which has 3%-5% of self-generated alcohol. It is useful in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, IBS, fever, and other colon related condition.
Laghusoothsekar ras by Baidyanath is a classical ayurveda preparation which is effective in curing symptoms and conditions related to Pitta vitiation. Indication:Problems related with acidity?
Laksha Guggulu by Sree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. is a classical ayurvedic medicine which is highly beneficial in treatment of bone related diseases and fractures.
LASUNA TABLET by HIMALAYA is a single herb preparation from the extracts of Allium sativum. Lasuna is an excellent herb for the regulation of cholesterol levels in the body. It is a potent antioxidant and fights free radicals. It is a very good lipid-lowering agent. It also improved digestion. Useful in treating inflammatory conditions in the body.
LOHA(LAUHA) BHASMA by BAIDYANATH AYURVEDA BHAWAN is an calcinated ash of iron which has went through rigorous purifying process. It contains naturally absorbable iron contents which help in iron deficiency anemia.
LAWANGADI BATI by BAIDYANATH AYURVEDA BHAWAN is a ayurvedic tablet with clove as key ingredient which eases the throat irritaion and also helps in cough, cold and flu-like symptoms.??
LEPTADEN by?ALARSIN is an ayurvedic formulation. The drug is clinically proven to have galactogogue effects and is good in new mothers as well in mothers with less breast milk production.
Lipistat by Dabur is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine for regulating cholesterol levels in teh blood. It is combination of herbs which are potent in lowering high cholesterol levels as well triglycerides and LDL.