SWAYUMBHUVA GUGGULU by SREE DHOOTPAPESHWAR LTD is an excellent choice of drug for treating vitiligo. Guggulu is purified in gomutra and its combination with other herbs acts in tissue level.
TALISULE GRANULES?by KOTTAKKAL AYURVEDA is a proprietary ayurvedic medicine. It improves immunity to fight against upper respiratory tract infections and is anti-inflammatory which soothes inflammation in mucous membranes and facilitates the expulsion of mucosal secretions.
TANKAN BHASMA by BAIDYANATH is a classical ayurvedic preparation by Borax after undergoing the various purifying process. Tankana bhasma is beneficial in wound healing, is an anti-inflammatory.
TAPYADI LOHA NO.1 by BAIDYANATH is an ayurvedic herbomineral preparation. It acts as a hematinic, immunity enhancer, rejuvenator, digestive and tissue nourisher
TONSARI CAP by SAGAR PHARMACEUTICALS is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine for tonsillitis. It is indicated in treating all infective conditions of throat.
TRANQUE FORTE TABLET by?ALOPA HERBAL is a herbal ayurvedic proprietary medicine. It is a safe and herbal formulation to keep the mind calm and induce good and sound sleep. Herbs like Tagara, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Jyotishmati, etc have properties which helps in calming the mind, elevates the mood, fights depression and anxiety, and makes one stressfree which are the main reasons…